Friday, October 5, 2007


I had a nice trip to Morelia last week. BIG city WHOA! Maybe twice the size of Madison. Mostly we did un-fun stuff, such as visit stores that I do not like with lots of fluorescent lights and busy stupid people blocking aisles. We went to:

*Costco. I'd never been to one before. It was fairly horrifying. Everything is in BIG BOXES and nothing is healthy or good. But, it is a good place to buy some things because they sell stuff in bulk. We also picked up a super cool telescope which has been really fun to play with, so that was a bonus! I haven't looked at the sky with it yet, except the moon in the morning a couple of days ago, but it seems fairly powerful. A good tool for this area, since the sky is so bright and clear!

*Wal-Mart. ECH! It is funny, Wal-Mart is the same everywhere. It is good to go there because we can get fruits with seeds that are normally not available, and try to propagate those plants here in the forest.

*Home Depot. Pretty much the same as the ones in the U.S., except everything is crammed into about half the space.

After the shopping in the big crazy stores, we took a taxi to the center of the city. We didn't spend a lot of time there, but Morelia will be a fun little town to explore. Pretty buildings and things to look at.

This picture is of the cathedral, which is similar to most cathedrals, so is nothing special but is kind of pretty. It is fun to notice the architecture here after my time in Spain last March. Very similar. Shocking!

Unfortunately, somewhere in Morelia I picked up some sort of virus or something that made me sick for three days. I got to watch a lot of good movies though, so it wasn't all bad. And I read "The Clan of the Cave Bear" which apparently was really popular... it is entertaining! And it's a series! And all 5 books in the series are here! So I am on the second one now.

We are preparing the place to accommodate more visitors. This month should be pretty fun-- Day of the Dead prepping for the end of October/early November. There are some folks from the U.S. coming, and likely some people from around this area.

And right now another composting toilet is being build! That will make four total. Lots of humanure!!

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