Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Some of the most recent guests brought a very very VERY important tool with them: a salad spinner. I am so happy!! There are tons of fresh greens here to eat, and the season is slowly ending, so now I can make the most of all the spinaches and lettuces and kales etc without spending a half hour cleaning them. Here is me happily making salad:

Whoever invented the salad spinner is brilliant. They are impossible to find here, likely because salad is not often consumed. YAY SO HAPPY SALAD YUM!

In other semi-related news, I am definitely no longer a vegetarian. The dogs here killed another cow the other day (another cow, yes... the first one was old, and by the time we found out it was killed it was no longer usable), so we went to town and watched the butcher do his thing. Very interesting experience... similar to the goat experience in Tanzania. Quite graphic, so I won't post the pictures. Plus it was a calf, so it was intrinsically sad. Brian gave most of the meat away, and one of his workers kept some cold overnight for us to try the next day.

It was tasty. Definitely different than eating an adult cow. I prefer eating meat this way, though the dogs-killing-cow thing is less than optimal. It is nice to see the meat butchered, know exactly where it came from, and know that it isn't pumped with hormones and poison from factory farming.

So I've gone from vegetarian to veal-eating CARNIVORE!

The dogs now have a fenced in area where at least a few of them are at all times. They've begun to form an apparently vicious pack, even though they are sweetie cutie puppies around me. We've started to de-packasize them, and so far so good. Happy cows and dogs all around... except apparently dogs attacking livestock here is not totally uncommon. Different world! But, all in all, much happier cows than in factory farms. Cows here roam free and graze all day all over the place. Kind of cute.

1 comment:

S said...

My veggie friend who went to Latin America also came back a carnivore! Also, I just remembered about your blog so now I will read it again!