Friday, December 14, 2007


Electricity has been out here for about a week.

Not really a problem, except I had been working on a webpage as my main project right now and was almost done (!) but still have to fix a few things and need power to do so... grrrr....

And, at night, it is nice to have light if you want to read without a headlamp, watch a movie, or cook anything after six.

The problem was with the fuse, or so it was thought, but the fuse used for this solar system needs to be specially ordered. And trying to retrofit a cheaper fuse did not work, but did not blow the cheap fuse, just kind of clicked the whole system on, then off. So who knows!

At least I'm getting lots of reading done! Never a bad thing... And I made two cool terrariums a couple of days ago, which I should take pics of and post.

It has been slow here lately, which is a nice change of pace. Two people come today, near my age! Wow!

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