Thursday, June 21, 2007


Going home tomorrow for Dad's retirement party. It's a surprise, so shhhh....

I'm going to be checking two very large bags full of my *stuff*, so much freakin' stuff. There are many reasons why this sucks, but the main reason is as follows: parking in Charlotte is fairly convenient but I will have to carry two very large bags, a full hiking backpack, and a purse across a parking lot all by myself. I am such a wuss. But my bags are heavy! Or, they will be, when I pack them.

This is the beginning of my move back to the midwest... which isn't really a move so much as an object relocation plan. ORP. ORP commences tomorrow, and will conclude around the end of July. And then I will sort, give away, throw away... reduce my possessions into something manageable. My parents are sick of me taking up so much of their basement space.

ORP is a pain in the ass! Must pack now! Now!!

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